Tuesday, November 3, 2009

So you want to publish a book?

This is something I face every day. An author or prospective author calls or emails me wanting to publish a book. While most would never admit it in their mind's eye they see themselves on Oprah's couch. Part of my job is to tamp down their expectations while still helping them to achieve their goals.

For first time authors I always ask what their goals are. It is important to have realistic goals or else they are setting themselves up for failure. If the goal is a bestselling book I recommend contacting one of the New York publishing houses because few self publishers or small independent publishers have the media connections to push a bestseller onto the marketplace. This is because virtually all large houses are a part of huge international multimedia companies. This allows them to influence big media companies, large retail chains and others who are required to drive mass market appeal for a book. Yes, there are cases where small publishers or self publishers have had bestsellers but to count on that possiblity is like buying a Power Ball ticket and expecting to win. It is a one in a million proposition.

A more realistic expectation is to find a particular market or niche in which to publish your book. Each year there are large numbers of so-called niche books that do very well. And one of the advantages of publishing to a market niche is that your book is apt to stay in print longer and sell copies year after year.

Do you have a book you are wanting to publish, or are you a published author wanting to share your experiences? This is an open forum for sharing collective experiences about the world of book publishing. I look forward to your comments.


  1. Great, Dirk!
    Looks like I'm your first follower! :-)

  2. Hi Dirk! Great post. I'm wondering...which niche's are the hottest..if there are any?

  3. Hey Mike,
    From Facebook I understand you have been away. Hope it was a successful trip. As for niche's it depends on which audience one wants to reach. When you get some time let's get together for a cup of coffee to discuss.
