Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blogging: Note to Self

I fear that I've become like the plumber who fixes his own house last. In January I pledged to myself to post a new blog every week throughout the year. But, as we reach the beginning of the last quarter of the year, I am averaging less than two per month.

Seems the doctor is not taking his own advice.

Each day, during conversations with colleagues, I tell them to keep writing their blogs.

Yet, I seem to find every excuse not to post new blogs of my own.


riding my bike


shooting photos

Or even....

walking the dog

But no matter the excuse, obviously I am not taking the time to follow through on my own promise to myself.

Take Away Thoughts:

What excuse do you use to avoid doing what you promised to do?

How will you get back on track?

Do you have a plan that is doable?